24 Sept 2019

শ্ৰীমন্ত শংকৰদেৱ ইউনিভাৰ্চিটি অৱ হেল্থ ছাইন্সত চাকৰি: Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences Recruitment 2019 [04 Posts]

Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences Recruitment 2019

Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences Recruitment 2019 

Applications are invited for the following purely contractual posts from the Indian citizens from Assam.

Details of Posts:

Name of the Post
Qualification & Age
Finance &
Officer (FAQ)
1. Retired persons of Assam Finance Service (AFS).
2. Candidates should be below 65(sixty five) years of age.
Web Class Manager
1. BE/B.Tech in Computer Science/IT/ Electronics
& Communication/ Applied Electronics & Instrumentation.
2. 1-2 years of experience in Handling video
Conferencing System.
3. Candidates must not be above 35 years.
Secretary to
1. Graduation in any discipline with 55% of marks or above.
2. Candidates must have computer proficiency.
3. Candidates must have fluency in English.
Hindi and Assamese languages.
4. Candidates must not be above 35 years.
Secretary to
1. Graduation in any discipline with 55 % of marks or above.
2. Candidates must have computer proficiency.
3. Candidates must have fluency in English.
Hindi and Assamese languages.
4. Candidates must not be above 35 years.


Name of the Post
Consolidated Salary
Finance &
Officer (FAQ)
Rs.35.000/- PM
Web Class Manager
Rs.20.000/- PM
Secretary to
Rs.25.000/- PM
Secretary to
Rs.25.000/- PM

Application Fees:

Bank Draft of Rs.500/- drawn in favour of Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences'payable at SRI. GMC Branch, Guwahati.

Last Date: 10.10.2019

How to Apply:

 Apply in the prescribed Application Format available In the University website www.ssuhs.in within last date.


To, The Registrar, Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences