5 Oct 2019

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana HFA Urban, Assam Recruitment 2019; 35 Posts

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana HFA Urban, Assam Recruitment 2019

Recruitment staffs under PMAY HFA Urban, Assam
Mission Directorate, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Housing for All-Urban, Assam as the State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) for implementation of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) in Assam invites applications from interested and eligible professionals/ specialists for the following posts on contractual basis in the State Level Technical Cell (SLTC) and City Level Technical Cell(CLTC), under PMAY-U to assist the SLNA and the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) in discharging their roles and responsibilities assigned as per the PMAY HFA-U guidelines.

Posts & Vacancy
  1. SPO (DBT / MIS) -01 Post.
  2. SPO (PPP) PPP Specialist) -01 Post.
  3. CPM (Finance Capacity Building M&E./ MFE) -01 Post,
  4. CPM (Social Development & IEG SDE) -01 Post,
  5. CPM (MIS/MIS Specialist PG) - 01 Post.
  6. CPM (Finance / MFS)- 09 Post.
  7. CPM (Civil Works /MCE)- 12 Post.
  8. CPM (MIS / MIS Specialist G)-01 Post.
  9. CPM (Social Development! SDE) — 03 Post.
  10. Protect Associate (MIS I MIs Specialist)-05 Post

Qualification and Experience
Please refer Terms of Reference https://pmayassam.in.
Mode of Engagement
The appointment will be on contractual basis for a period of one year which is likely to be extended (may be based on performance) and the incumbent shall not have any claim for regular appointment.

How to Apply
Interested candidates with required qualification & experience may submit the application in the prescribed format along with the certificates of Academic Qualification & Experience.
Last date of Submission of Application Format in Hard copy is 24th October 2019.

Details Advertisement: Click Here

Application Form: Click Here