3 Dec 2019

Department of Social Justice and Empowerment Recruitment 2019: Deputy Director on deputation

Department of Social Justice and Empowerment Recruitment 2019: Deputy Director on deputation

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for tilling up the following post in NISD. Details of post to be tilled up, educational qualifications, experience and other prescribed requirements for the post are as under:
Name of the Post: Deputy Director (Administration & Planning) on deputation including short term contract basis
No. of Post: 01
Salary: Rs.15600- 39100/- Grade Pay Rs.6600/- under Pay Band-3 (pre-revised)
Essential Qualifications and Age Limit: Officer under the Central Government/State Government) Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Statutory bodies holding analogous post on regular basis in the Parent Cadre/Department or with at least 5/8 years service in the post in the pay scale of As. 15,600-39100+ Grade Pay of Rs. 5400’- or Rs. 9300-34000 + Grade Pay of Rs, 4800/ - or equivalent respectively and having experience in administration, establishment and accounts matters.
How to Apply: Interested candidates who fulfill the prescribed conditions may apply for the post of Deputy Director (Administration & Planning), National Institute of Social Defence.
The applications may be forwarded to Deputy Secretary, Senior Citizens, Room No. 643. A-Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
The full details of the advertisement and prescribed proforma may be downloaded from Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Website www.socialJustice.nic.in.
The last date of receiving the application form along with attested copy of vigilance clearance, integrity Certificate and APARs of last five years will be within 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement. The Employees of Central Government /state Government/Public Sector Undertakings etc. should send their application through proper channel.
The Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any application or all applications without assigning any reason.
Applications received after the last date or without all or any of the documents (photocopy) pertaining to education, experience arid age or otherwise Found incomplete will not be considered and not be correspondence will be entertained in this regard.