1 Dec 2019

Faculty Higher Secondary School, North Guwahati Recruitment 2019: PGT

Faculty Higher Secondary School, North Guwahati Recruitment 2019: PGT

Application are invited for the interested and eligible candidates for the post of Post Graduate Teacher (PGT).

  1. Economics,
  2. Mathematics
  3. Physics, 
  4. Chemistry, 
  5. Biology. 
  6. Physical Education,
  7. Accountancy and 
  8. English.

Qualification: Masters with B.Ed (Compulsory).

Age limit: Not more than 40 years as on 1st April 2020.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates are asked to come for a walk-in-interview along with their bio-data and necessary certificates (original) on 14.12.2019 (Saturday) at 9 am (Sharp).

Venue- Faculty Higher Secondary School, North Guwahati. P.O.-IIT, Guwahati - 781039

For any queries please contact at— 9207046133/ 9707011967