6 Jan 2022

Assam Police Recruitment of Constable 2022: Selection Pattern/ Syllabus [6662 Posts]

Assam police Recruitment of Constable Selection Pattern:
Assam police Recruitment of Constable Selection Pattern:
Assam Police Constable Selection Pattern is provided here. Applicant can know clear details of the selection process with the help of the below paper pattern. The information such as a type of questions, Maximum Marks, Time Duration can know by the candidates with the help of the given details. Therefore, check the below table and start your preparation for the exam. Estimate complete exam structure to prepare well for the exam.

Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respect will have to undergo the Physical Standards Tests (PST) and Physical Efficiency Tests (PET). If any candidate is found to have any physical deformity as may be detected by the Medical Officer present in the DLSC, he/ she will be debarred from participating in the other tests.
Assam Police Constable Recruitment undergo in three steps…
a) Marks for PET - Maximum marks 40
b) Multiple choice objective type Written Test: Maximum marks 50
c) Extra-curricular activities and special skills: Maximum marks 10
Total: 100 marks
All the original documents along with a set of Photostat copies of the documents will be checked before the candidate is allowed to appear in the PST and PET as per the given eligibility criteria. Candidates who are rejected will be given rejection slips specifying the reason of rejection. Submission of any incorrect information or forged document at any stage will lead to disqualification of the candidate and may also render him / her liable to criminal prosecution. Original documents of a candidate may be put to check at any later stage of the recruitment process also. All the Photostat copies submitted by the candidates will have to be duly self attested.
After the documents are found correct, the candidates will have to appear in the PST (Physical Standard Test). It will carry no marks. Measurement of the height, weight & chest (only males) of the candidates will be done using latest technology and after which the candidate will be examined by a Medical Officer for preliminary check-ups like knock knee, vision test, colour blindness test, flat foot, varicose vein, physical deformities etc. Once a candidate clears the PST he/she will have to appear in the PET (Physical Efficiency Test).

Height (Minimum)
162.56 cm
154.94 cm
ST(H)/ ST(P)
160.02 cm
152.40 cm
Chest (Only for men)
80 Cm
85 Cm
78 Cm
83 Cm
Proportionate to height and age as per medical standard

Candidates, who clear PST, will be required to undergo PET.
The PET consists of the following: The Physical Efficiency Test will carry 40 marks.
It will have 2 (two) events viz:
i) Male Candidates
a) Race: Those who qualify in the PST will be subjected to 3.2 km race to be completed within 14 minutes (840 seconds).
b) Long Jump: Minimum 335 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).
ii) Female Candidates.
a) Race: Those who qualify in the PST will be subjected to 1600mtrs. race to be completed within 08 minutes .
b) Long Jump: Minimum 244 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).
Results of the PST and PET will be locally displayed at the end of each day of Test. However, candidates shall have no claim or right to appear in the Written Test merely on the ground that they secured the minimum qualifying standards in the PST and PET. After completion of the PST and PET for all the candidates, District-wise merit lists for each category (Unreserved, OBC/MOBC, SC, ST(P), ST(H) for both men and women) will be prepared on the basis of the total marks scored on PET. Candidates will be called for the Written Test in order of merit at the rate of 5 (five) times the number of posts allotted in respect of each category.
Written Test– 50 Marks
  • Written test will consist of 100 multiple choice type questions to be answered on an OMR answer sheet.
  • For each correct answer the candidate will get half a (1/2) mark.
  • Questions will be of the level of class IX and X.
  • Total marks for the Written Test will be 50.
  • There will be no negative marking.
  • Written Test will be conducted throughout the State on one day at each district HQ. The date of the written test will be notified in due course.

Extra-Curricular Activities and Special Skills: Max marks 10
(A) Educational Qualification: Max marks 5.
Marks will be allotted based on results of Higher Secondary & Matriculation Examination for UB constables and Armed Branch respectively as under:
2 Marks
3 Marks
75% and above
5 Marks

(B) NATIONAL CADET CORPS (NCC)- Max Marks – 03 (three)
(i) NCC ‘C’ Certificate -03 (three) marks
(ii) NCC ‘B’ Certificate -02 (two) marks
(iii) NCC ‘A’ Certificate - 01 (one) mark
(C) PROFICIENCY IN COMPUTERS -Max Marks – 05 (five)
(i) Master of Computer Application (MCA) -05 (five) marks
(ii) Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) - 04 (four) marks
(iii) 2 (two) years Diploma from any Govt. registered / UGC recognized / accredited Universities / Institutions. -03 (three) marks
(iv) 1 (one) Year Diploma from any Govt. registered / UGC recognized / accredited Universities / Institutions - 02 (two) marks
(v) Minimum 6 (six) months course in Computers from any Govt. Registered/ UGC recognized / accredited Universities / Institutions - 01 (one) mark
(D) Diploma/Certificate course from ITI/Polytechnic or other recognized/accredited Technical Institute: Max 3 Marks
a) Duration of course 2 years or more -3 marks
b) Duration 1 year - 2 marks
c) Duration 3 to 6 months - 1 mark
Prepare well for the Assam Police Constable Exam by taking the help of Assam Police Constable Previous Question Paper with Answers. Download Assam Police Constable Model Question Papers & Assam Police Department Constable Exam Question Papers for free of cost. Also, get Assam Police Constable Previous Years Question Papers along with the Assam Police Study Material in the below sections.
Assam Police Previous Years Question Papers: Click Here