5 Jan 2020

Social Welfare, Assam Written Test Postponed: Recruitment of Junior Assistant and other various Grade-Ill posts

Social Welfare, Assam

Social Welfare, Assam Written Test Postponed
It is for information to all concerned that the OMR Based Written Examination for recruitment of Junior Assistant and other various Grade-Ill posts (Instructor (Cutting)/ instructor (Craft)/ Craft Instructor, Instructor (Cutting & Tailoring), Instructor for Music, Manager, Cutting and Tailoring. Section/Manager, Fancy Bag making Section/ Manager, Doll and Toy making, Section/ Instructor (Knitting & Embroidery), Govt. BD Deaf and Dumb School/Instructor (Weaving), Govt. BDs Dee and Dumb School/ Matron cum Storekeeper for Home Destitute &, Vagrant Children, Lakhimpur and Jorhat Blind lnstitute/ Matron cum Storekeeper for State Home. Jalukbari Matriculate Teacher of Vagrant and Observation Home (Children Home), Fatasil Ambari/ Graduate Teacher (Arts) for Jorhat Blind institute/ Graduate Teacher (Science) for Jorhat Blind Institute/ Graduate Teacher (Arts) for School for Hearing Impaired, Jorhat/ Graduate Teacher (Science) for School for Hearing Impaired, Jorhat/ Under Graduate Teacher, Matriculate Teacher of Jorhat Blind lnstitute/ Knitting & Embroidery Teacher/ Nurse) under Directorate of Social Welfare, Assam against this office advertisement No.DSw(E)9/201 9/141, dated 23.9.2019 and No.DSW(E)9. 201 9/1 50, dated 23.9.2019 scheduled to be held on between 4th-12th January, 2020 has been postponed due to some unavoidable circumstances until further order.

The revised date of examination will be announced in due course. All candidates are requested to visit our official website https://womenandchlldren.assam.govin for further information.

Social Welfare, Assam Written Test Postponed