12 Jan 2020

USTM Recruitment 2020: Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor [04 Position]

USTM Recruitment 2020: Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor [04 Position]

Last Date: 16” January, 2020
USTM Recruitment 2020
Applications are invited for the post of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor for the following disciplines:
1. School of Biological Sciences:
Botany (Spl. in Cytogenetics & Plant Breeding/Microbiology/Pathology)
2. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences:
Pharmacy (Spl. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmacognosy)
3. School of Social Sciences & Humanities:
Social work (Spl. in Family and Child Welfare! Medical and Psychiatric)
English i Psychology History
4. School of Allied Medical Sciences:
Physiotherapy (SpI. in Neurology/ Musculoskeletal Disorders)
Eligibility: 55% at Masters level in above disciplines having Ph.D. I NET with relevant experience.
How to Apply: Interested applicants can send their resume to ustm.rectt@gmail.com with recent photograph on or before 16” January, 2020.