8 Jun 2020

DHS Dhubri Recruitment 2020: Apply for 40 GNM/ ANM Nurse Post [Walk-in]

DHS Dhubri Recruitment 2020

DHS Dhubri Recruitment 2020
District Health Society, Dhubri release a notification for the recruitment of 40 GNM/ANM (preferably GNM) on contract basis.
Name of the Post: GNM/ ANM

No of Post: 40

Qualification: GNM/ANM Qualified from Govt. recognized training institute.  

Remuneration for GNM: Rs. 18,000/-

Remuneration for ANM: Rs. 16,500/-

Age: Up to 43 years 

Date: 10/06/2020 from 10 AM onwards

Venue: Conference Hall, NHM, Dhubri

Registration for Interview: From 10 AM to 2 PM

How to Apply: Candidates are to attend the walk in interview along with all original documents and one set of photo copies of all documents like Photo Id proof, filled up standard form, educational and experience testimonials and Nursing Registration certificate. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Walk-in interview.

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