9 Apr 2021

BARC Recruitment 2021: Apply for 31 Research Associate (RA) Vacancy

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Recruitment

Last Date: 10/05/2021

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai has invited application for the recruitment of 31 Research Associate (RA) Fellowship vacancy to work on the following R&D projects in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai.

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Recruitment

Name of post: Research Associate (RA)

No of posts: 31

Job Location: Mumbai

Project wise vacancy:

  1. Development of Materials, Devices, Analytical Instruments & NDT Techniques for Physics Research: 3
  2. Development of Synchrotron and Neutron Beamlines, optical Multilayer Devices, Liquid hydrogen Test Loop and Physics Research: 4
  3. Development of Synchrotron and Neutron Beamlines, optical Multilayer Devices, Liquid hydrogen Test Loop and Physics Research: 1
  4. Development of Synchrotron and Neutron Beamlines, optical Multilayer Devices, Liquid hydrogen Test Loop and Physics Research : 1
  5. Newer applications of radiation technology for food security and value addition: 3
  6. Structural and Thermal Hydraulic Safety Studies for Indian NPPs : 4
  7. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: 1
  8. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: 1
  9. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: 1
  10. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: 1
  11. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: 1
  12. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: 1
  13. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: 1
  14. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: 1
  15. High performance carbons and carbides: 1
  16. High performance carbons and carbides: 1
  17. Development of a novel multi-resolution fracture model for prediction of graphite failure strength: 2
  18. Development & Deployment of Technologies of Beams & Plasmas for Nuclear and Non-Nuclear applications: 2
  19. Development of efficient and robust working electrodes / photocatalysts for solar energy conversion to hydrogen via photoelectrochemical/ photocatalytic splitting of water: Next level up-scaling of laboratory experience: 1

Educational Qualification ( Project wise):
  1. Development of Materials, Devices, Analytical Instruments & NDT Techniques for Physics Research: PhD (Physics)
  2. Development of Synchrotron and Neutron Beamlines, optical Multilayer Devices, Liquid hydrogen Test Loop and Physics Research: PhD (Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Earth Science, or a related field) Applicants are expected to have outstanding experience of research and development, relevant computer skills, organizational skills, verbal and written communication skills, and be able to work effectively both as a team player and independently. An experience of working with high-pressure devices is preferable.
  3. Development of Synchrotron and Neutron Beamlines, optical Multilayer Devices, Liquid hydrogen Test Loop and Physics Research: PhD(Physics) in the area of Photonics/ Optical thin films with strong aptitude in photonics design software. Applicants are expected to have outstanding experience of research and development, organizational skills, verbal and written communication skills, and must be able to work in collaboration and independently. An experience in practical optical thin film coating design & deposition techniques is desirable.
  4. Development of Synchrotron and Neutron Beamlines, optical Multilayer Devices, Liquid hydrogen Test Loop and Physics Research : PhD (Cryogenic Engineering) in the area of cryogenic fluid flow and heat transfer.  Applicants are expected to have outstanding experience of research and development, organizational skills, verbal and written communication skills, and must be able to work in collaboration and independently. An experience in hydrogen liquefaction is desirable.
  5. Newer applications of radiation technology for food security and value addition: Ph.D. in food and food related field/Biochemistry/ Zoology/ Biotechnology/Microbiology/Dairy microbiology
  6. Structural and Thermal Hydraulic Safety Studies for Indian NPPs : PhD (Mechanical Engineering) or ME/M.Tech with three years R&D experience as on the final date of application. Specialization in design, material engineering, thermal engineering would be desirable. The candidate applying for RA should have a minimum of one research publication in a standard refereed journal as listed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR).
  7. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: PhD in Science/Engineering (Materials Science/Chemical Science/Metallurgy)
  8. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: PhD in Science/Engineering (Chemical Science/Chemical Eng.)
  9. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: PhD (Chemical Science/Material Science)
  10. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: PhD-Metallurgy/Materials Science/Mechanical
  11. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: PhD-Metallurgy/Mechanical/Chemistry
  12. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: PhD (Metallurgical Engg. with specialization in powder processing and characterization / extractive metallurgy)
  13. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: PhD (Chemical Science with specialization in high-temperature electrochemistry )
  14. Processing of Materials and Control of Material Degradation for Nuclear Industry, Zr based, Ni based and Ti based alloys: PhD (Materials Science/Chemical Science)
  15. # High performance carbons and carbides: PhD (Chemical Science/ Physical Science/ Materials Science/ Metallurgy)
  16. High performance carbons and carbides: PhD in Science/Engineering (Chemical Science/Chemical Eng./Materials Science/Metallurgy
  17. Development of a novel multi-resolution fracture model for prediction of graphite failure strength: PhD (Engg.). Some prior research experience/publication in the areas of Crystal Plasticity or Dislocation Dynamics will be useful for this work.
  18. Development & Deployment of Technologies of Beams & Plasmas for Nuclear and Non-Nuclear applications: PhD (Thermal Plasma)
  19. Development of efficient and robust working electrodes / photocatalysts for solar energy conversion to hydrogen via photoelectrochemical/photocatalytic splitting of water: Next level up-scaling of laboratory experience: PhD (Chemistry)

How to apply: Interested candidates may apply in the prescribed format with complete bio-data, one set of photocopies of mark-sheets, degree certificates (from SSC to M.E./M.Tech/Ph.D.), other academic credentials and work experience and the duly filled-in application may be sent to Deputy Establishment Officer, Recruitment-V, Central Complex, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai–400085 superscribing the Research Project No. on the envelope.
  • Candidates may apply separately for each Research Project.
  • The Last Date For Receipt Of Application: 10/05/2021 .

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