20 Jul 2021

Environment & Forest Department Assam Recruitment 2021: 05 Vacancy

Environment & Forest Department Assam Recruitment 2021

Last date: 27/07/2021

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of Chairman, Member Secretary and nomination of three Members of State Pollution Control Board of Assam with headquarters at Bamunimaidam, Guwahati. The criteria for appointment/ nomination to the above posts are as under:

Environment & Forest Department Assam Recruitment 2021

Environment & Forest Department Assam Recruitment 2021 Details:


1. Chairperson 


No. of Post: 01


Salary: Rs 1,30,000 (fixed).


Age Limit: The maximum age limit of appointment shall not be exceeding 62 (sixty-two) years as on the closing date of the receipt of applications.

2. Member Secretary


No. of Post: 01


Salary : Pay Scale Rs. 65,000 –1,12,000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 18,500 per month with two percent of annual increment or his pay in his parent department.


Age Limit: The maximum age limit of appointment shall not be exceeding 57 (fifty-seven) years as on the closing date of the receipt of applications.

3. Member


No. of Post: 03


Salary: The Non-Official Members of the Board shall be given only sitting fee of rupees two thousand per meeting or as revised by the Board from time to time.


Age Limit: The maximum age limit of appointment shall not be exceeding 62 (sixty-two) years as on the closing date of the receipt of applications

The Gazette notification issued by Government of Assam regarding eligibility criteria and rules for Chairman, Member Secretary and Members, Pollution Control Board, Assam can be accessed and seen on the website of Environment & Forest Department https://environmentandforest.assam.gov.in/



How to apply for Environment & Forest Department Assam Recruitment 2021:


Interested and eligible candidates are requested to send their application online in the format appended, to chairmanpcba.rec@gmail.com for the post of Chairman, membersecretarypcba.rec@gmail.com for the post of Member Secretary and memberpcba.rec@gmail.com for the post Member.


Candidates are requested to download the application format https://environmentandforest.assam.gov.in/ .


Duly filled and completed applications along with supporting documents indicating his/her qualification, experience in pollution control work, proof of identity and proof of residence should be scanned and converted to a single zip file. The zip-file then should be attached with the email addressed to the above mentioned email IDs.


The details of the application format are also available on the website of the Department. Last date for submission of online application is 25th July, 2021. Applications received after the last date will not be entertained. The date of interview will be intimated later on.

Last date for submission of application through email is 25th July, 2021.

Advertisement /Application form: Click here