6 Feb 2022

College of Veterinary Science Guwahati Recruitment 2022: 05 Vacancies

College of Veterinary Science Guwahati Recruitment 2022:

College of Veterinary Science, Guwahati has released an advertisement for the recruitment of 05 vacancy. 


College of Veterinary Science Guwahati Recruitment 2022:

College of Veterinary Science Guwahati Recruitment 2022 Details:

1. Young Professional-II
No of posts: 

Name of project: Advanced Disease Diagnosis and Vaccine Research Centre .

Educational Qualification:
 Master degree in Biotechnology/ Veterinary Science. Preference will be given to candidate having working experience in Research Project.

2. Project Associate-I
No of posts:

Name of project: Upgradation and Implementation of Knowledge Based system (KBS) in NER of India (An extended activity of Advanced Animal Disease Diagnosis and Management Consortium (ADMaC)

Educational Qualification:
Essential: MCA or Master degree in Computer Science.
 Preference will be given to candidates having experience in front-end technologies (eg. HTML5, PHP), database technologies (MYSQL, PostgreSQLetc), LINUX, and knowledge in GIS, AI related works.

3. Project Associate-I
No of posts:

Name of project: SWINOSTICS: A platform for development and validation of diagnostics of important pig pathogens in NE Region of India for commercial exploration.

Educational Qualification:
Ph.D. degree in Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Veterinary Science or Master degree in Life science/Veterinary Science with four years of R&D experience.
Desirable: Candidates having research experience in the area of molecular biology, molecular diagnostics, cloning and expression of genes will be preferred.

4. Project Associate-I
No of posts:

Name of project: Modelling of indigenous diagnostics and immuno-potent vaccine candidates to combat African swine fever in India.

Educational Qualification:
Master degree in Life science/Biotechnology/Veterinary Science.
Desirable: Candidates having research experience in the area of molecular biology, expression of protein will be preferred.

5. Project Associate-I
No of posts: 

Name of project: Validation and field testing of DIVA tests developed in ADMaC Phase-I project for surveillance of brucellosis in North Eastern region of India

Educational Qualification:
 Master degree in Life science/Veterinary Science.
Desirable: Candidates having research experience in the area of bacteriology, serology, Immunology.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates with requisite qualification have to send the softcopy of an application (given format) along with a copy of BIODATA, one set of all relevant documents (self-attested) and a scanned copy of IPO of Rs. 50.00 (Rupees Fifty Only)/ Rs.25.00 (Rupees Twenty-Five Only) for ST/SC candidates, drawn in favour of the Director of Research, Vety, AAU two days prior to the date of interview. The softcopy should be sent in the email ID: aadsmckhanapara@gmail.com . 
Walk-in Schedule:

14th February, 2022
Time: 11 AM

Department of Microbiology
College of Veterinary Science
Khanapara, Guwahati-781022

The hard copy of complete application with BIODATA, all relevant documents (self-attested), and original IPO should reach the following address two day prior to interview either via speed post/courier/by person.

College of Veterinary Science, AAU,
Khanapara, Guwahati -781022.

Advertisement Details: Click Here