20 Nov 2022

SBI Admit Card 2022: Download Admit Card for Circle Based Officer 1422 Posts

State Bank of India (SBI) has released the admit cards for Online Exam for 1422 Circle Based Officer (CBO) Vacancies. Candidates who submitted online applications for these vacancies can download their admit card online from the official website of SBI (www.sbi.co.in).

SBI Admit Card 2022: Download Admit Card for Circle Based Officer 1422 Posts

SBI Admit Card Details:


Name of Post: Circle Based Officer (CBO)


No of Posts: 1422


Advertisement No.: CRPD/ CBO/ 2022-23/22


Type of Exam: Online Exam


Date of Exam: 4th December 2022


Status of Admit Card: Released


Date of Admit Card Released: 19th November 2022



Selection Process of SBI Recruitment:


The selection process consists of Online Test, Screening and Interview.


 Online Test: 


Online test will consist of Objective Tests for 120 marks and Descriptive Test for 50 marks. The Descriptive Test will be administered immediately after conclusion of the Objective Test and candidates will have to type their Descriptive Test answers on the computer. 


(i) Objective Test: The duration of objective test is 2 hours and it consists of 4 Sections of total 120 marks. There will be separate timing for every section.


Name of Topic

No. of Questions


English Language


30 Minutes

Banking Knowledge


40 Minutes

General Awareness/ Economy


30 Minutes

Computer Aptitude


20 Minutes



2 Hours


(ii) Descriptive Test: The duration of Descriptive Test is 30 minutes. It will be a Test of English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) with two questions for total 50 marks.


Merit list will be drawn Circle wise and Category wise on the basis of the aggregate marks scored in Online Test. There will be no sectional qualifying marks. Candidates numbering up to 3 times (approx.) of the Circle wise and Category wise vacancies will be shortlisted for Screening from the top of the merit list drawn on Circle wise and Category wise subject to a candidate scoring the minimum aggregate qualifying score, as decided by the Bank.


Negative Marking: There will be no penalty for wrong answers marked in Objective Tests.




Online application and documents of candidates, who are shortlisted based on performance in online examination, will be placed before the Screening Committee.


The Screening Committee constituted by the Bank will examine whether the candidates fulfil the required eligibility criteria of experience. The Committee will match the job profile submitted by the candidates (certified by their existing/ previous employer(s) with whom they are/were employed) with the job profile of Scale-I Generalist Officer of the State Bank of India. In case their job profile does not match substantially or is different than the job profile of Scale-I Generalist Officer of State Bank of India, then the application of the candidate will be summarily rejected. The decision of the Bank in this regard would be final and binding on all candidates. No representation or correspondence will be entertained by the Bank in this regard.


The candidates, who fulfil the required experience as decided by the Screening Committee, will be called for interview.




Interview will consist of 50 marks. Candidates will have to score minimum qualifying marks in interview to be considered for final selection. The minimum qualifying marks will be decided by the Bank.


Candidates qualifying for interview under 'OBC' category would be required to submit OBC certificate containing the 'Non-Creamy layer' clause. Candidates who have registered themselves as OBC but do not submit OBC 'Non-Creamy layer' certificate and request for interview under General category will not be entertained.


Candidates qualifying for interview under EWS category would be required to submit EWS certificate issued based on gross annual income for the financial year 2021-22 as per DoPT guidelines. Candidates who have registered themselves as EWS but do not submit EWS certificate issued based on gross annual income for the financial year 2021-22 as per DoPT guidelines and request for interview under General category will not be entertained.


 Final Selection: 


The candidates will have to qualify both in Online Test and Interview separately. The marks obtained in Online Test, both in the Objective Test and the Descriptive Test, will be added to the marks obtained in Interview for preparing the final merit list. Final merit list would be prepared based on normalization of marks scored in Online Test and Interview with 75:25 weightage respectively.


Marks secured by the candidates in the Online Test (out of 170 marks) are converted to out of 75 marks and Interview scores of candidates (out of 50 marks) are converted to out of 25 marks. The final merit list (Circle wise and category wise) is arrived at after aggregating (out of 100) converted marks of Online Test and Interview. Selection will be made from the top ranked candidates in merit list prepared on Circle wise and Category wise.



How to Download SBI Admit Card:


Candidates who had submitted online application for this 1422 nos. Circle Based Officer (CBO) Posts are required to download admit card by visiting the official website of SBI (www.sbi.co.in) to appear the online examination.



Important Links


Download SBI Admit Card: Click Here


Advertisement: Click Here

Official Website: www.sbi.co.in