5 May 2023

DEE Assam LP UP Merit List 2023: District Wise 5320 Regular Teacher Merit List

DEE Assam LP UP Merit List 2023: District Wise 5320 Regular Teacher Merit List

DEE Assam LP UP Teacher Provisional Merit List 

Directorate of Elementary Education (DEE), Assam is going to release DEE Assam LP and UP Teacher Provisional Merit List 2023 at dee.assam.gov.in .The Candidate can Download 5320 LP, UP Merit List, from DEE Assam Official website dee.assam.gov.in.

Details of DEE LP UP Merit List

  • OrganizationDEE Assam
  • Post NameAsstt. Teacher LP UP
  • Total Posts5320
  • List Type: Provisional Merit List 
  • Websitedee.assam.gov.in

Important Details Mentioned on DEE Merit List

The candidates will find the following information mentioned on the DEE Merit List. They are advised to check the detail mentioned on the DEE Merit List 2023 to ensure that all the information given are correct. The details mentioned on the DEE Assam Merit List are:

Name of district


Application No


Percentage of marks in HSSLC, TET, Graduation & others

Medium and

Total marks 


How to Check DEE Assam LP UP Merit List

Candidates who applied online for 5320 LP and UP Teacher vacancy under the Directorate of Elementary Education, Assam may check this page for LP UP Merit List once it's released by DEE.


Important Links of DEE LP UP Merit List

DEE 1st Provisional Merit List: Click Here [03/05/2023 midnight]

Official Website: https://dee.assam.gov.in